Grab & Go Take-Home Treats
Our pre-packed housemade frozen treats are made daily. These treats are great to store in your freezer ~ so when that craving kicks in; Merla-Mae has you covered!

Ice Cream Sandwiches
Plain vanilla ice cream sandwiches or have it rolled with our specialty roll’emm toppings. Sprinkles, Reeses Pieces, Smarties, Crushed Peanuts, Pecans, Fudge’o Cookie Chunks, and so much more!
Ice Cream Drumsticks
Our hand-crafted frozen drumsticks are the best option for a quick treat straight from your freezer.
Chillin’ Bars
Chocolate, Butterscotch, or Dip of the Week. This ice cream bar is a classic favorite.
Banana Dip Sticks
Chocolate-Dipped, Butterscotch, or with our specialty roll’emm toppings.
Soft-Serve To Go
Get our classic soft-serve ice cream pre-packed and frozen. Have a delicious in-freezer treat ready to go. Choose from vanilla, chocolate, and half & half.